Hebrew School Welcome Letter

Dear Parents,

Imagine a Hebrew School where kids don’t want to miss a day. They come in with a smile and leave humming a Hebrew song. Walking through the halls, you can hear the sounds of lively discussion, singing, laughter and prayer…


Welcome to Chabad Hebrew School! An exciting and innovative educational program run

through the Chabad of GMC. Our goal is to develop and nurture a pride and a

love for our people, for our religion and for our land. We aim to bring the joys, values and

traditions of our heritage vividly to life.

We offer a full Hebrew reading program. We explore Jewish holidays and themes through stories, craft, plays and hands-on projects.

Our warm and accepting atmosphere encourage our students to explore their Jewish identity

in a meaningful and relevant way.

Our curriculum is designed to instill our students with a basic yet thorough understanding

of our traditions and values, a strong sense of Jewish pride and a love for Israel. We firmly

believe that the holistic approach we will employ is the most effective way to educate children

and ensure an enduring connection with our Heritage.

Chabad Hebrew School is conveniently located in our beautiful Shul building at 1 Poplar Place, right off of Deal Road.

Please make sure to mark your personal calendars with all the special Hebrew School

days and events to ensure that you and your family join.

We look forward to working together with you to educate and inspire your children. Should

you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Yours sincerely,

Rabbi Moshe and Chaiky Carlebach

Directors, Chabad Hebrew School





  •  Attain a strong sense of identity with our heritage and develop a love and pride in

being Jewish.

  •  Gain knowledge and understanding of the Mitzvot, traditions and practices of

Judaism and to study the morals, values and ethical behaviors of our Torah.

  •  Discover and explore the incredible history of the Jewish people and its relevance

for all times, thereby developing an excitement toward Jewish Holidays. We also

want our students to experience a hands-on appreciation for the Jewish holidays,

customs and traditions.

  • Master the skills of Hebrew reading and writing, thereby becoming familiar with

the prayer services and laying the foundation for successful Bar/Bat Mitzvah


  •  Advance in vocabulary and/or fluency in their conversational Hebrew, depending on

their background and starting point.

  •  Identify with the land of Israel as our own land and develop an interest in issues

relating to Israel and its people.

  •  Express their opinions and ask questions about G-d, Torah and religion in a non-

judgmental setting, and to have him/her understand the importance and relevance

of Torah in the 21st century.

  •  Achieve a Jewish perspective on life and maintain a Jewish connection and

involvement beyond the years in Hebrew

All this and more in a fun and creative manner!


It is of great importance for the teacher to have any information that can provide for the

optimum learning situation. Information of a physical, social, or psychological nature can

aid a teacher in planning instruction for each child. Without this knowledge, teachers may

be unable to provide the kind of support needed.

Such information should be transmitted either in writing to, or by a private conference

With the Director who will make it known to the appropriate teacher.


The registration fee is non-refundable. A 90% tuition refund will be given to students who

are withdrawn from the school before September 20, 2024. A 50% tuition refund will be given

to students who are withdrawn from the school before November 1, 2024. After that date

no refund will be given for tuition. There are no refund credits for days missed due to illness, holidays, family vacations, school closures or such like.


Parents should notify the school promptly of any change of address or telephone number.

Promptness and accuracy are necessary to keep records up to date and to communicate

with the home when necessary.


Regular attendance is crucial in accomplishing the goals of our educational program. There

is a direct correlation between attendance and achievement, interest, and attitude at school.

Further, coming late and leaving early disrupts the entire class as well as your child’s

classroom routine. Your support of our attendance policy will be greatly appreciated.


We respectfully request that you bring your child on time. Latecomers miss important

parts of the lesson and often have difficulty adjusting to the rhythm of the class.


Hebrew School starts at 10am. Please do not bring your child earlier than 9:50 am.

The safety of your child is our prime concern. For this reason, every parent is required to sign

their child in/out when dropping off and picking up their child from Hebrew School. This

ensures we are aware of who is in the building at all times, ensures that no child is outside the

building without a parent and assists us with our attendance records. Please do not drop off

small children in the parking lot but bring them inside the building, to their classroom.

Please make sure that one of the staff members of CHS acknowledges your child’s arrival

before leaving.

Important note regarding covid-19 – If there will be any changes in our drop off and pick policy, we will inform you via email.


Hebrew School ends at 12:30pm. Please ensure that your child is picked up on time and not

early as it disrupts the learning atmosphere in the classroom.

If you will not be picking up your child, please send an email to rabbim@waysideshul.org

stating your child’s name, the name of the adult who will be picking up your child and whether

this is a one-time occurrence or if it will be an ongoing arrangement.


An email will be sent to all parents about school being canceled in the event of bad weather.


Our Hebrew School is committed to providing a safe environment for the children in our



Needless to say, all appropriate measures will be taken to insure the safety of your child at

all times. The school is equipped to handle minor injuries such as superficial cuts or bruises.

If we have any question as to the severity of an injury, we will contact parents at the

numbers we have on file.

If your child becomes sick during school hours, we will call you. In the meantime, we will

set up a safe and comfortable area, under supervision, where your child can wait for you.

If you cannot be reached, the emergency contact on your registration form will be called

upon to pick up your child.

Please be advised that we are not permitted to administer any medication. As such, please

do not send any medication to school.


In the event of an emergency, G-d forbid, the following procedure will be followed:

1. We will attempt to notify the parents.

2. Depending on the severity of the emergency, it may become necessary to call 911 or

transport the child to an emergency facility

3. If they are unavailable, we will attempt to notify the person listed as your emergency


4. If the emergency contact cannot be reached, an attempt will be made to contact the

child’s physician.


We will be providing a Kosher snack during the break. Outside food may NOT

be brought to school. Please do not provide children with a snack during pick-up until they exit

the school.

Please notify us of ANY allergies.


We hope to engage your child’s sense of identity by capturing his/her imagination and

attention. So, we put a lot of effort into providing our students with substantive lessons

and a positive atmosphere.


If your son does not have a Kippa we will provide one for him.


All textbooks and workbooks will be provided by the school. These are to remain in school,

copies will be sent home for homework if necessary. Our books are to be treated with care and respect.

If your child loses or damages a book, you will be charged for a new one.


Homework is not mandatory but highly recommended to maximize the impact of all Hebrew School lessons.

We encourage parents to listen to their child’s songs, stories and Hebrew reading, as this

will reinforce your involvement in your child’s Jewish education.


Tzedakah (charity) is a basic value in Judaism. We encourage our students to donate a

few pennies each day to charity in order to develop their sense of sharing with those less

fortunate than them.

Please try to send some coins to school each week to perform this Mitzvah. We suggest

that older children give some Tzedakah from their personal money, as the positive impact

is that much greater. We have extra Tzedakah coins for children to give in case they forget

to bring their own.


At Chabad Hebrew School, we strive to create an environment that reflects our traditional

Jewish values. Our students understand that respect for teachers, respect for each other

and respect for each other’s property are essential for a successful learning environment.

We expect our students to behave with respect and courtesy, and comply with all school

rules during class as well as during school events.

We are confident that the children will behave in a proper manner. However, should a

problem arise, misbehavior will not be tolerated in our school. Students will be given one

warning in the event of disruptive behavior. Repeated disruption or disregard for the

teacher and/or fellow classmates will result in removal from class and a call home. Parents

will be asked to pick up students who have been behaving inappropriately and

uncooperative in class.

If a child continuously misbehaves, a face to face meeting will need to take place with the

child, a parent, the teacher and director before allowing the child to return. Together, we

will try to resolve the behavioural issue in a positive manner.


At Chabad Hebrew School we maintain a Zero-Tolerance for violence policy. Absolutely no

violent or aggressive behavior of any fashion will be tolerated in our school. We reserve the right to suspend any child that expresses violent or aggressive behavior in the classroom or in the school building.


We request that no valuables including iPods, toys or gadgets should be brought to school.

They disrupt the lesson and can easily get lost or broken. No cell-phones or any electronic

gadgets are allowed to be turned on in class. Cell phones used in class will be held by the

teacher. Parents will have to pick them up in person from the school office at the end of

the day.

Students can always use the office phone to call home if necessary.

If there is an emergency and you need to contact your child during Hebrew School, please

call 732 433 0800 or 718 213 8217.


Chabad Hebrew School reserves the right to take photographs of classrooms and students for

educational, promotional, assessment and fundraising purposes.


We recommend that parents attach name tags to all outer clothing. If your child is missing a

personal item, please check the lost and found at the office. We will keep items that are brought

to the lost and found for two weeks before disposing of them.


Please note that CHS notices will be sent to you via email/ WhatsApp messages. Please ensure that you have given

us a valid, current email address so we can keep you informed about what your child has

learned and let you know about special events. Your comments are always welcome, as we

are constantly looking for ways to improve our educational program.


Parent involvement increases the success of our Hebrew School. If you have a talent, skill,

or can volunteer to read Hebrew with our children, please let us know.


Our Hebrew School offers programs throughout the year for parents to participate in with

their children. These programs include Chagim Celebrations and other meaningful activities. Events will be advertised through invitations and social media.

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